Latin American Coffee Connection in Singapore

Latin American Coffee Connection was born of the desire to bring some of the best coffees from Central and South America to Southeast Asia.  

While living in Singapore I saw little to no coffee from Costa Rica, my father's birthplace, and I wanted to bring it here.

My family has been in the coffee business for over 100 years, in Costa Rica.  It all began when two brothers from England left there home by ship to go to Panama to work on what would become the Panama Canal.

After their work was done they went to Costa Rica, and the two brothers married two sisters from Costa Rica, acquired land, and a life in coffee began.

My younger cousins, sons of one of the children of one of those brothers, are now leading the charge and trading in coffee from all over Latin America.

It is my mission to work with them to bring these coffees here and share them with Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia.

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